Biology Investigation. What conditions affect pee disadvantage from leaves? Vikki Merriman 9Y Prediction I predict that the higher the temperature, the to a greater extent micturate the flip-flop exit lose. In hotter atmospheres, more pee will be evaporated off the leaf. So, if we put a leaf in an oven, more water will be missed than a leaf we put in a fridge. Scientific Background. Transpiration is the departure of water from the plant. Stomata close when there is little water attack shot up through the roots so that no water is lost through the leaves. This means that no degree centigrade Dioxide is get in which therefore stops photosynthesis. The rate of transpiration is abnormal by the amount of light, the amount of air movement, the temperature and the humidity of the environ area. (More water is lost in hot, dry, windy, sunny conditions.) These two pictures salute cross-sections of leaves and the just about important parts are labelled. utensil 15 petri dishes.15 leavesChemical balances FridgeFreezerOven ThermometerTin Foil Method I chose 15 leaves and measured their place area and mass. We then numbered the leaves and put them in numbered petri dishes with the tooshie liner up. We then wrapped the petri dishes in tin cosset so that the amount of light they got was constant otherwise this would receive make it an unfair test. We then put the petri dishes containing the leaves in their designated places (three in separately of the following - freezer, fridge, cupboard, window sill and oven). We also put a thermometer in with the petri dishes. Leaves 1, 2 and 3 went in the freezer. 4, 5 and 6 were in the fridge. 7, 8 and 9 went on the window sill. 10, 11 and 12 went in a cupboard and 13, 14 and 15 were move in the... If you want to get a beneficial essay, come out it on our website:
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