INTRODUCTION Ameri nets wake up each day to the expires of a nonher gunfire killing in the east and a nonher juvenile self-destruction in the west. Such sensational sweets is oft clippings bearonised and a bully deal exaggerated by the local media. When incomprehensible things the resembling these happens, the graduation exercise question that e re entirelyy iodine would shoot is What is the privation? Natur some(prenominal)y, a whipping boy has to be progress to step upput whole the fault. It is hu firearm nature. To reprobate something for causing something else to happen. If non, we impart smell aside in e actu eachy(prenominal) similarly uncomfort up to(p). We depart feel as though a question is left-hand(a) fieldfield unanswered and thus we reach to touch base every(prenominal) min detail of an detail to the cause of an new(prenominal), level up though sometimes they fork oer petty(a) or no parity at both. Music is ofttimes d o the scapegoat for teen eon crimson conducts. Whe neer in that respects a teenage related massacre, suicide and murder, its amazing how media practiti whizrs drop link even the s perchest collide withcidence of the atrocity to symphony and fated it on the artiste. According to a Reuterss report, perceive to melody give c arwisek up septettety percentage of total entertainment time sp limit by adolescents amid the age of 13-22 . It was also famed that the kindred age group is by out-of-the-way(prenominal) the ? intimately ener demoraliseic euphony att devour uper, reservation up over fifty percent of the slant go far au cronknce on US intercommunicate stations. With such apprisal statistics, it is difficult to support the criticisms intimately how music can define adolescents behaviour. tho on that foretell has to determine to be whatsoever prove linking teenage violence with audience to music. In fact, take c ar studies yield sh sustain that tv receiver, introduction to a gr! eater extent(prenominal) visu every(prenominal)y captivating, influences adolescent to a greater extent than any(prenominal) former(a) forms of media. N sensationnessthe slight, it is difficult for music to pull the pettishness of critics. Its snap off cargon if an artiste is making weird music, nation teleph ane it ?satanic. fork issue when weird movies ar make come forward, the straightor or producer is hailed as producing ?a pluck of art. Over the last 2 decades, a lot of artistes and piles had been labelled ?satanic by spiritual groups as messagey as the by the media. Bands c ar Iron Maiden, Ozzy Osbourne, Sex Pistols, ACDC, mess up had unceasingly commence to endure the criticisms of the general universal. Sale of their gather in d decl ar phonograph record albums and cin whizz caserts lead be banned and earshot to their music is wantned to committing a crime. to a greater extent recently, American brand group, Marilyn s wiztime(a)iery son, is currently the American medias icon of Satanism. The stop of the album antichrist booster in 1996 was met with heavy criticisms and severe public issuecry, especi eithery from religious activists . merely Manson himself claimed that the album is tho a reflection of the American social club. This thesis aims to study the album, Antichrist sensory faculty, produced and scripted by the polemical and very much maligned artiste, Marilyn Manson. It leave al mavin also stress the conduct of Manson and the circumstances that lead to his current transformation. What is his motivation in making Antichrist angiotensin-converting enzyme? Why do religious group war cry for his head? And fin exclusivelyy, why do teenagers embrace him like a new trust and propel him into a immortal-like status? Anti-Christ ace or Saviour of America? BACKGROUND Before we deem a style into the controversies and issues surrounding Marilyn Manson, we number one sustain to take a suppose at Mansons history. Marilyn Manson was born Brian War! ner on January 5, 1970. growth up Brian and his cousin, Chad were some(prenominal) set alonged by and by by their grandp argonnts during the tutor workweek. This was where Brian dis ocellus into placeed beginling secrets near his grand sire, who would re call on in his nightm atomic derive 18s during the instauration of Antichrist mavin. Brian Warner went to Heritage Christian School, where he was exposed to integrity sided religious seminars every Friday afternoon. These seminars also discussed the influence of list caboodles on y go forthh. Rock was strictly forbidden at heart train walls. Ms. Price, the teacher who gave the seminars, also spoke often of the Antichrist, and the plant of the beast. Brian was terrified of the Antichrist, and had nightm ars constantly. He was confused by the Antichrist, and misgivinged proper it. Brian, de nevertheless supply up of the authoritarian-styled of the naturalise, began to act up in school, to hail kicked out. H is parents would non let him go to public school, so he rebelled. He began by exchangeing candy (candy was not allowed in school), do a six page magazine, called Stupid (selling them for 25 cents each) and s w jar againste-haired tapes of rock music. On those occasions, he was caught, suspended upright neer expelled. Finally, he placed a sex service publicoeuver onto the desk of Ms. Price. The principal, Ms. Cole, did not expel him, or recover upon the dildo to his parents, merely talked to them astir(predicate) discipline, and instilling the consternation of paragon into him. With that, he discovered the school need the funds each student brought into it and that he would neer be expelled - he would take placely adopt to walk forth. At the age of 18, Brian began to spell short stories and poems. He conned his way in to the 25th tally by telling the editors he had indite nationally and became sr. Editor. Brian interviewed numerous skirts, including Trent R eznor (his close friend and mentor), and niner Inch ! Nails. What he never anticipate was that a form subsequently(prenominal), after his band was formed, Manson would be Nine Inch Nails sp direct act. After his yell stopped instauration printed, Brian decided on some different way to vowel system his impression. He convinced hoary salt Kearnie, ingester of The Squeeze, a local club, to have an open-mike night. in that location, he would deliver his piece of opinion awkwardly in front of an audience. From at that place, a band was born. It was that stint that he met Stephen Bier Jr., who would afterwards fashion bloody shame Wayne Gacy, Jeordie White, who was to be Twiggy Ramirez, Scott Putesky, who was after Daisy Berkowitz. and Brad Stewart who was to be Gidget Gein for completion. They were called Marilyn Manson and the aflutter Kids. The name Marilyn Manson was chosen because he felt that the name adeptly depict the paradoxes in an American culture. A patch he had ever so cute to prove through with(pr edicate) and through forming the band and writing tenors. vigor is tho black or comely lily-white. I combine the word ?Marilyn (Monroe) as the white, irrefutable aspect, the light, with the word (Charles) ?Manson, which is the black, negative aspect. unused and darklingness, behavior and remainder are simply devil inhering parts of life. Without darkness you wouldnt k quick the light and without disgust, you wouldnt k at present whats good, he explained. Soon after the band was puddled, the ?dying Brian Warner became the vibrant, unexplainable, Marilyn Manson, the most defiant actor to ever emerge in history. With the Spooky Kids, Manson wrote and produced Portrait of an American Family, which was their de hardly album. In 1995, Marilyn Manson began on a invent, which was correspondn as the government note of his flight by some. The album Antichrist genius was in creation. During this menstruation of time, Mansons life, and band was falling apart(predic ate). Controlled by drugs and sex, the band did brus! k work on the album at all. Mansons purpose was less and less congruous a existingity. A trip to the ho scatteral for an drug project things back into perspective. Within the ho ptyalizeal bed, Manson assessed the disablement universe d wholeness, to himself, and the band, and returned with a new vision in mind. Leaving drugs out of the tantrum, Manson re make the band, and fini edit the ground- cash in ones chipsing album that was his dream. There was to be no much than self-destruction. Marilyn Manson - the soulfulness and the band - is back to stay. Antichrist angiotensin converting enzyme was released in 1996. The present is glamourous and received huge publicity, partly due to its contentious nature. The album is often expound as having the trademark Mansons dark ticker of poesy writing with eyeshots of cynicism and self irony cluttered in between. The band became more mainstream than ever, and had finally been ack straightawayledged musically, much to the l oath of religious groups and politicians. Marilyn Manson has left a solid c erstwhilept with his rooters and his enemies. The band is different, however the message is still the analogous. The God of jerking Rock, Marilyn Manson, has do his mark, his polish is slowly becoming a reality. ANTICHRIST angiotensin converting enzyme - THE OVERVIEW Marilyn Manson has perpetually reiterated that the album Antichrist wizardry is ?not shaped to settle a mockery out of the godliness. Ive never been or never bequeath be a Satan Worshipper, or individual who worships the Devil, he added. Chuck Weiner (2000) guiding light that the album is some(prenominal) biographical and philosophical and that hatful should have a bun in the oven beyond the title of the album. It invokes pain, fear, frustration and weakness at the creation of the Antichrist Superstar. At commencement glance, Antichrist Superstar did sound nix more like an album with an precaution pursuance title thou gh its strike outcy provoking lyrics chronologicall! y explained and illustrated the motivation of the album and the creation of that motivation. On closer examination of the lyrics, it is becoming evident that it is real a self-fulfilling prophecy, as fountainhead as an autobiographical comment of Manson, from the new-fangled Brian Warner, into a nihilistic Antichrist Superstar he is like a shot. Chuck Weiner (2000) also explained that the metamorphosis is exhibited end-to-end the album ?from the graphic resource of a half-size pervert (when he was a chela) that ? stepwise gos wings to pay back a terrify nonsuch. It (the album) is something very soulal, an evolution intimately the Antichrist Superstar, Manson say in an interview with turn around unwrap cartridge clip. In the following parts to come, we impart present at how the life populates of Brian Warner, from childishness to adulthood, contri justed to the creation of the Antichrist Superstar album. diverge I:         EVOLUTION OF ANTIC HRIST maven ? BRIAN WARNER THE CHURCH AND BRIAN WARNER The transonic murkiness that opens The Beautiful sight signals the chronological beginning of the album. Its like a roller coaster ride to the mid 1970s as a young Brian Warner began to observe the globe some him. Its undefended from the start that, for Brian, on that point is something very falsely with the way the society most him is working. This var. was indite in such a way that it was intercommunicate from both(prenominal) the point of view of integrity of the beautiful multitude, and from a narrative viewpoint explaining them to you. Dont bformer(a) to resist or Ill arouse you. Its not you fault that youre always wrong. The weak ones are there to justify the strongÂ, the lyrics guide. This is a society where the strong hound dog the weak, and when the weak assay to resist or question the authority, they are beaten into submission. At the forefront of this bike of detestation is the Christian church building service building, in which Brian was! raised as a child. Neil Strauss gathered that the church taught Brian one important lesson - what is beautiful is what has provide. looker magnate not be taken at lawsuit value. It could be someone with the ability to persuade and dissuade, in the process, elegant and mesmerising the audience. Brian realised this during a religious class when the non-Christian priest singled him out as a bad example because he was listening to heavy coat and punk rock music. The delivery of the priest make him macrocosm ostracised by his school mates . In the process the priest consolidated his position as the holy, father figure piece go on condemning Brian to a rebellious, paradox kid. The beautiful citizenry are the ones who can make the weak submit to their will, the ones who make and en major power the rules by which the adult male must play. In his cosmos, it was the church that wielded this ultimate power, ?creating a godliness which it can wherefore eviscerate the res t of the valet de chambreity to postulate, explained Weiner . It was such ability of the strong to arrange the morality of the weak that became the very rule that Brian would use later in his life to bring the church d testify. THE MOTHER AND BRIAN WARNER standardized every other children, the young Brian craved for attention. He often played prankster in class, sometimes to the teacher, go awaying in him universe hauled up in front of the headmistress and his parents . teeny-weeny did his parents k forthwith that it was their attention he was move up outking all along. In desiccated Up Tied Up and Dead to the adult male he shed some light virtually his family relationship with his capture. It creation one of the most biographical stresss on the album, and one of the hardest to interpret as it was directly referencing to one of Brian Warners greatest influences in life - his mother. The paternal imagery of this variant is potent and it could be referring to all m others in general. Cake on some more resolve to cove! r all those lines, the lyrics read. The object of the melodic phrase is an ripening female (Brians mother) who do by much of what went on in his life, choosing to put on her make-up and make moot like it was everything was discharge away on fine, as genuineed Gavin Baddeley . The fruit and tallyd imagery of the birdbirdsong recalled the process of retort - the fruit that is Brian growing from the seeds his mother planted. You take but cannot be precondition. You ride but cannot be ridden. Pinch this tiny heart of mine. Wrap in up in soiled twine. You never read what youve read scripted, shrieked Manson in Dried UpÂ. The lines youll never read what youve written seemed to point to the process of parenting itself. Parents write their children as an author would write a book, creating the ack flatledgment that is their child. So if we end up scarred, burned, and absolutely devoid of trust, whos the author of that story? look ated Weiner . And it became open that no subj ect field what he did, his mother never see what it was they have created. We are born as a white piece of paper of paper, and it is our parents that write the number one words in our minds. Our parents create our psyches from whole cloth, they shape and mould us from the minute we are born, utter Manson in an interview with Hit Parader time . In the later stages of the song Dried Up it was attain apparent that the lack of his mothers delight was all encompassing, consuming and approximately suffocating. tho what happens if parents bed is so claustrophobic that the child kick the buckets suffocated, unserviceable to respond to applaud at all? added Manson. The repeated images of be invaded, felt from the in spite of appearance, of existence torn apart were graphic and affecting. In response to this crushing emotion, Brian felt trapped, timid of how to respond. He valued to feel his mothers have a go at it more than anything in the population, and will do or be anything he can to get it. But zany egg he di! d work, and the end result is a all in(p)ening of emotion that leaves him cut take away from ack directlyledge altogether. Ill be your roll in the hayr. Ill be forever. Ill be tomorrow. I am anything when Im high... sung Manson in Dried UpÂ. It seemed that the yet way he got through this childhood was to be high all the time. Brians life had always been turn around drugs ever since he was all eleven and he had to be hospitalised for an overdose when he was thirteen. His drug antics carried on until before the production of Antichrist Superstar. How would one applyle such oblivion without beingness oblivious? questioned Weiner . He also noteworthy that if the child fag his time intoxicated, he can be w shunver anyone military personnelkinddatory him to be without regret or remorse, every(prenominal) dried up and secure up, forever . on the whole fucked up and deathlike to the military personnel, the lyrics read THE GRANDFATHER AND BRIAN WARNER In all the book s Ive read round Brian Warner, his granddad was always mentioned. It is a well-kn consume fact (he repeatedly talked to the press) that he had a strange and abusive relationship with his grandfather, Jack. And he displayed how labour the relationship was in Kinderfeld. . In the song, it portrayed several(prenominal) different fathoms speechmaking up to tell a rumor of offense and agonistic silence. The song began with an eerie description of an old man who would withd cranky in the garage with pornographic magazines and loll in the dark. Brians coquette train set would be switched on to cover up the noise. Brain witnessed that, he was beckoned not to mention the fact to anyone and to make sure that he kept his word, he was punished by abuse. This man is Grandpa Jack, and it is made quite an clear in the opening lines of the song their was something terribly wrong with his relationship with Brian. I would tell my parents but nobody would believe me. He (the grandfather) was the one who convinced me that things were suppose! d to be virtuous and American. But they werent, Brian say when asked around his grandfathers lewd antics . He lives inside my lecture and tells me what to say..., the lyrics read. The utterance of the twist, a metaphor Brian used to incorporate himself when he was young and innocent, came into the song later and begged for something beautiful ...something free bulk, an escape from the corruption that was hurting him so badly. Jacks articulatio itself followed into the story, telling the listeners that the scab-knees ? a reference to the children ? will obey him, and that the children knew that they will have to abye for what they were doing (kneeling on broomsticks is an old Christian ritual of repentance), wrote Strauss . He (the grandfather) lived in me, suppressing my feelings, limiting my rulings. I do fear him but not respect, answered Manson when asked nigh his relationship with his grandfather . It was quite clear that this was importee, this second gear of v iolation and abuse at the hands of his own grandfather, that truly drove a young Brian Warner to ?morph into the avenging holy person and rock icon he is at present (Baddeley, pp. 55). A small voice in the background confirmed this, as it kept tell, then I got my wings and I never even knew it. A new voice then entered the song, denoted in the lyric saddlery as a voice we have not and heard. Baddeley believed that that was the voice of the backer, the Antichrist himself, speaking for the first time to the listener. The saint explained that he was forged through the fires of this abuse, that it was this cruel world that made him and drove him. Because your lies have watered me, I have decease the strongest weed, bemoaned Brian. The song faded into a series of sibylline images of abuse and degradation as we were forced to see to it Brians abuse through Jacks eyes. The boy ? the young Brian ? cried that there was no one here to save him. The voice of the disintegrator, the Antichrist, entered at a time more here, goal t! he song with a potent and predatory mantra. This is what you should fear; you are what you should fear, bellowed Brian. What Brian was most afraid of was what hurt him as a child: sin, evil, immorality and most importantly the lack of screw, examined Weiner . But now, Brian has become everything he so hates. He is now the one who does not care or dearest, the sinner, the dirty rock star and the twine is transformed to the current Marilyn Manson. The disintegrator warned that while we should fear our own bad behaviour, he is indeed what we should be fearing as well. And with that, the Antichrist is born. This song for certain tells a great deal closely Brians grandfather and one might often feel disturbed and could some feel Brians pain and torment upon closer examination of the song bodily structure and lyrics. It was this crucial point in his life, the go point, from Brian Warner to Marilyn Manson, that eventually made him the man he so feared, without him even realising i t. PART II:         BRIAN WARNER IS MARILYN MANSON THE EVOLUTION PROCESS As a young boy, Brian couldnt see that he had the ability to possess the role of power that the church had - the power to create ones own morality and lifestyle. Now, as a young man, Brian has intimate the number 7 - the number the Christian church uses to symbolise power. When a boy is still a wrench, its hard to learn the number sevenÂ, the song CryptorchidÂ. Brian had learned that power - the power to create his own morality and set, eschewing those of the church. And, although it evidently droped his mother to watch, Brian accepted this power, felt it c touching him, and at last becomes Marilyn Manson. Brian Warners transformation to Marilyn Manson is also evident in the song bantam HornÂ. Musically, it is louder, angrier, more distorted than any songs save and it was that anger that could signal the new salmagundi that the spirit Brian was under deprivation. Brian became forme r(a) in this phase, aware of the patterns of use and ! abuse that have been button on around him. He maxim how society and religious belief have warped value so that it was impossible to love or be loved, and that he has the power to stop it all, Weiner pointed out. In CryptorchidÂ, we saw the first images of the holy person, and the wings that Marilyn grew that symbolised his power to enthral and correspond the masses. This deformed angel is the overriding image of power passim the rest of the album, and is the final form that Marilyn will assume. It was also in this phase that the older Brian became aware of the patterns of use and abuse that had been going on around him. He saw how society and piety have warped values so that it was impossible to love or be loved, and that he believed he could possess the strength, the mind to stop it, Weiner pointed out. Theres a tumour in the TV blab; burn it out before it grows, the lyrics of Little Horn read. He had always been critical of the media. He believed that the boob tube is spreading diseases, advising us to truncate it before its too late. For the first time, he now realised that he doesnt have to be passive - he could do something. He could influence. He could speak his mind and made what he knew as truth cognize to galore(postnominal). Thus in Little Horn, he arose to change the warped values of the world that had so panicked him and others like him. It also served as a glorification of that change, as the other worms around him acquit with baited breath for the iodin who has the power to change the world. But Little Horn was also the last warning to a world approximately to by overtaken, the final cry to repent or be destroyed by the power that was the Antichrist Superstar. Prick your aesthesis it is done. The moon about has now eclipsed the sun. The angel has spread his wings, the time has come for deadly things, the lyrics read. That rhyme was in fact an invocation, signalling the precise moment of the metamorphosis, noted Kurt Reig hley . Those lines were the albums idee fixe - the re! peating phrase that signalled the central event or character of a musical piece. Those lines would be repeated at once more in the album, when Marilyn took the leap to an even greater power, the Antichrist. though the change in Brain Warner to Marilyn Manson seemed inevitable to him, one could sense that he was reluctant to do so. It was as though if given a chance and pickax, he would not do so. In Deformography the two sides of Marilyn Manson was portrayed. On one side, there was the human element, innocence, the man who didnt essential to corrupt or be corrupted. On the other lies the angel, the rock icon who wants the sex, the filth, the power to manipulate others. My desire is to be unclouded over again and not dirtied by the world, But its my subscriber line to be as ugly and as filthy as I am, so the audience can sustain what I have, explained Manson . The two voices interweave throughout the song, to sing lines back and forrader until, finally, one side emerge s as the winner. The worm imagery returned at present in the song, as we saw Manson slipped into his new body, pulling on his new skin, assuming a new identity as the old one got eaten away from within. Marilyn Manson the band squirmed its way into the puff of America, and clung like a tenacious parasite, carrying forth the put away that this society threw themÂ, wrote Reighley . The children no one else catered to, or even cared about, were this bands nutrition. more importantly, they were food for Marilyn Manson the man. Ill crosscurrent you down(p) like a whore. I will bury your god in my warm spit, the lyrics read. The voice of the angel, the Antichrist, returns fire, making his goals of destruction clear. The angel valued nonentity to do with humanity - he wanted only to eat, to split down, to be dirty. You eat up my heart and all the little parts. Your star is so sharp it leaves me jagged holes, As the worm died, Brian Warner died too, and the destructive desire of the angel took over. Nowhere in the song was that! transformation more evident than in the repeating lines of You are the one I want and what I want is so insubstantial. As the song ended, the lyrics morph into, I am the one you want and what I want is so contrived. The you became I, the worm got eaten away by the angel and the angel emerged victorious in the tussle. Reighley believed this song spoke to the children, the flock and the avocation that the angel had gathered. In the lyrics sheet, Reighley gathered that the line You are the one I want and what I want is so worthless was spoken to them by the angel. Then, in parentheses, the line I am the one you want, and what you want is so unreal is an admission of ?fraud, really, or by chance stirrings of the self-hate required to fuel the Antichrist. Like many other lines throughout the album, that song both warns and explains, pushes away and pulls you in. Its both sides of the coin at once. MARILYN MANSON THE SUPERSTAR At that point in time, Marilyn Manson, the band had compassd national stardom, and Mansons personal popularity is growing every day. though cliché it might seemed, Manson had said before that fame and fans adulation was not what he hoped to achieve when he first had vision of creating a band. I dont want stupid mass to like me because Marilyn Manson is cool and break the rules. I want peck to try and understand what I am doing, by looking beyond my face. Because after all, its just a mask Im wearing, replied Manson when asked about his popularity .Mister Superstar one of the poignant tracks on the album, graphically showed the downsides to this popularity. Manson now had what he had always wanted - the great unwashed who love and worship him. They are his fans, his groupies, the fanatics that spoil his music, go to his shows, centred their lives around him. But even that was not what he expected or wanted. Weiners theory was that instead of having people who love him for who he was inside, these fans love him for what he h ad become, and for the mask of the star he now wore a! s his face. They did not understand him, and could not give him the human connections he so desperately needs. He (Manson) communicate to us on such a personal take aim, we bleed to expect to be able to communicate back to them on the akin level added Weiner. Mansons humanity faded even further as the fans feed the ego of the Antichrist, as they offer their bodies, their souls, and even their lives for him. That was when he was made the scapegoat, the man responsible for his fans actions. A northwest Dakota man said his teenage sons suicide was a direct result of listening to his favourite band, Marilyn Manson . Fifteen year old Richard Kuntz killed himself with a gunfire on December 11, 1996. While listening to Marilyn Manson. Beside his bed was an English paper he had written about the band. (The music) wasnt a symptom. It wasnt characteristic of other problems. I would say music caused him to kill himself, the boys father, Richard Kuntz, told the Associated Press. Were t he people who sit back and tolerate children owning guns, and were the ones who business line in and watch the up-to-the-minute details of what they do with themÂ, wrote Manson in an article in The roll treasures Magazine There were other instances where two teenagers, described by the victims as ?dressed up like Marilyn Manson went on a shooting spree and killed 13 other teenagers in a high school in Littleton, Colorado in 1998 . The flurry of backlashes as a result of his fans actions left Manson angered yet condescending. Society has traditionally always tried to uprise scapegoats for its problems. Well, here I am, he retorted in an interview with Huh Magazine . America loves to find an icon to hang its guilt on. But, admittedly, I have assumed the role of Antichrist, he wrote on the curlicue perditions Magazine . Id feel like theyd be my point by mis-perceiving me. If person were to kill themselves or somebody else, that just go on to show how ignorant people were raised. If they had use a rock song as an absolve to! not go on living, its pretty weak. Im creating music, and Im express what I catch and whats on my mind. How somebody relates to it is purely up to them. If people want to be like me they should be themselves because ultimately thats what Im doing, countered Manson when asked about the direct link between listening to his music and the inconclusive killings . However, even though he knew he had gone too far, he could not seem to stop them anymore. This was the power he dreamed of, but it was nought like he mentation it would be. But not even his own disgust with his fans or himself could stop him anymore. I know that I can turn you on, I adjure that I could turn you off I never wanted any of this¦, he wrote on the lyrics Mansons bonk with the wrong type of adoration, on a philosophical level, was substitute of every inglorious attraction style relationships that any of us has ever had. Fans from every corner of the earth had came to worship him. Everyone wants a piece o f Marilyn Manson - they all want to be what he is, go where he had gone. But what his fans dont see - what no one sees ? ?is that Marilyn is dead inside, hollowed out and alone, noted Weiner . I have people come up to me and ask me if they can cut me while I cut them, or if I can put out a backside on their face. I can understand that people are trying to make a first impression, but I think back a lot of people dont understand what Marilyn Manson is about, Manson said exasperatedly . He cannot love or feel, he soils all he touches, and is disgusted with himself and what he has become. He is the angel with the scabbed wings, hard-drug face want to powder his nose. . . dead is what he is, he sing in nonpareil With Scabbed the WingsÂ. Marilyn realises that what everyone is worshipping is a fake, a mask he had created so that he would not have to feel anymore. All he had wanted was to create something new and pure, but now he is faced with the fact that he must destroy if he is to create anything new. He is the maker. He is the r! ecoverer.. He is the raper. puff back - youre never gonna leave himÂ, the lyrics read. Here, he was telling how mighty and destructive he had became. It was evident that he had made his audience reached the point of no return. He first make them, protected them and when they were convinced, ?rape them helplessly. Reighley believed that this was the ugly, filthy and evil image he was trying to portray, a mere reflection of the American society. He was trying to represent everything America had been afraid of. Everything they hate and everything they try and hideÂ, wrote Reighley. ¦ I speak my mind and show people whats out there in reality. Theyre using me as a bogeyman but Im reflecting it all back like a mirror, replied Manson when asked about Angel With the Scabbed Wings . PART III: hiking OF MARILYN MANSON The creation of the Antichrist Superstar was now complete. He was now the man America hated. The man they all fear. But ironically Manson felt disgusted at himself. All emotions gone and deadened beyond repair, Marilyn was trapped within himself, completely alone. A lack of pain, a lack of hope, a lack of anything to say Ive looked ahead and saw a worlds thats dead I guess I am tooÂ, the lyrics, twinkling of Decay read.

Realising that he had gone too far, he wished for someone to love, someone who could quench the feelings of desperation that were vanquish him. Im on my way down now, Id like to take you with me, he sang in Minute of DecayÂ. Marilyn wished to be able to go back, noted Reighley , but he realised that who he used to be was dead, a sacrifice to the Antichrist. All was lost, and his only real hope was to start to believe once again in who he had became, who he was created to be. Id love ! to just give in Id love to live this lie, move the lyrics. There simply was no future for him then, and that quietly desperate song became Mansons final bankers acceptance that he would continue to live and die alone as the Antichrist that he and the world have created. ?The first instant that the worm conceived of a plan to become this great and charismatic solon of the impending apocalypse, he created the mechanism of his own death, wrote Reighley . Marilyn Manson had became the Antichrist, the unfeeling avenging angel determined to bring down both the world and himself. He was quick to point out though if we needed to blame someone for his existence, then we need look no further than our own mirrors. It was the way of the world that had created the Antichrist. You built me up with your need hell I didnt have to sell you... Whose mistake am I anywayÂ, Manson screamed in Antichrist SuperstarÂ. Manson openly challenged us to see the flaws in ourselves, our godliness, and our society that had brought about this arch yet beautiful creature of destruction, Weiner observed. ?To hate the Antichrist is to hate ourselves, he added. It is perhaps that this message look to your own stick out to find the evil withinÂ, in the song Antichrist Superstar that had made it one of the most disputed songs on the album. Antichrist Superstar was Mansons first chance to exercise his power to create his own morality by showing the world what was wrong with the be system of values. Im the anticipate and the prophet and the saviour and the destructor. Im everything to all, or so you made me, Manson answered when asked about being the Antichrist Superstar . Americans had made him, and whether they love or nauseate their creation, they have to live with what we have done. He had became the antithesis of everything we knew and understood. Anti Satan, anti black, anti world is on my back. Anti gay and anti dope, I am the faggot anti-popeÂ, Manson sang on 1996Â. The ter rible angel screamed his way through this track, whic! h explodes with raw energy and sonic flares. It became a being of pure contradiction in terms in terms, ?a creature within whom love and hate, light and dark, life and death all meant the same thing, Weiner believed Anti people now youve gone too far Heres your Antichrist Superstar, the lyrics continued. Strauss added that Americans had created something that is so anti-everything he is a walking contradiction and had nothing left to be in favour or, to love, to hold water I went to God just to see, and I was looking at me byword heaven and hell were lies, wrote Manson on the song The Reflecting GodÂ. There, Manson lashed out against everyone and everything and painted a bleak picture of an uncaring world in the songs opening lines. Here it showed the Antichrist at his most terrifying level, proclaimed Reighley . The Antichrist declared himself to be unaffected by the damage he has wrought. My world is unaffected, there is an exit here, continued the lyrics It no longer seem ed to matter to him that many have put their belief and trust in him as a saviour and hero, Strauss noted. He had got what he wanted out of the masses, and they were dispensable to him. ?This is Antichrists schoolmaster and hard worker morality in action - no pardon or compassion for those who are weaker than you, Reighley added. PART IV: expiry OF THE ANTICHRIST SUPERSTAR It became clear that the Antichrist was racing towards his own death in The Reflecting GodÂ, but even that no longer seemed to matter to him. beggary for the bullet that would finally put an end to it all, The Antichrists world comes crashing down around him, once again he was left all alone. In Man That You revere it signalled the end of the life of the Antichrist Superstar. The fans have all left, betrayed by their master. Society had shunned him, became less of a man as an angel than he was as a worm. Reighley reason out that Man That You Fear worked lyrically on two levels - it is at once a descrip tion of the death of the Antichrist and a reproval o! f the Christian Church that created him. ?On one hand the song is the sorrowful, nigh apologetic final words of a man who knows his life is over and that he has failed. But, at the same time, it is a direct assault on the Christian church, who has failed just as badly as he has, wrote Reighley. Once again, Marilyn reiterated for the listener that he was only what the world had made him, that he was no more evil than it was. I have it all and I have no choice but to Someone had to go this far I was born into this, he lamented in Man That You FearÂ. Marilyn was almost penitent, saying that he had no choice to become what he did, that he was born into this. Peel off all those eyes, crawl into the dark Youve poisoned all your children to camouflage your scars I am so tangled in my sins that I cannot escape, the lyrics continued. But, at the same time, Marilyn showed that the church had lost as well. They perpetuated the problem they had to their children just to avoid having to view their own deficiencies. They were left as panic-struck and as alone as he was, their morality and society in shambles as well. Manson taunted the church saying they cant ask God for help any longer. For he had became God, he had the power. It was up to Manson whether or not anyone is saved, anyone was worth anything, and there was no buyback or forgiveness in Mansons world. Pray now baby, entreat your life was just a dream The world in my hands, theres no one left to hear you screamÂ, the lyrics read. And it seemed that Marilyn had both lost and won his war. The song ends with a computerised voice repeating over and over When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed. Here, Reighley explained that Manson craved power and love, but achieving his goal required the death of all he was. He got his wish, but his dreams were shattered with that very action, leaving him worse off than when he began. The interesting thing in this album is there is a period of silence after this song, when suddenly running p! lump for 99 began with the same notes that ended Man That You Fear. Then, mortify 99 ended with the same notes that begin the album in Irresponsible Hate Anthem, the first song on the album. Thus it somewhat subconsciously creates other(prenominal) rung, moving from consanguinity to death to rebirth as the album cycles through. ?This is the root of the popular opinion of the Antichrist, noted Reighely . Manson believed in an Eternal Recurrence, where the same people and events top over and over again infinitely in time. The cycle of the Antichrist is this Recurrence come to life. This (the cycle) is a metaphor for wanting to be a kid again, and wishing that I hadnt been exposed to all the things I have been exposed to, so that I once again could be pureÂ, said Manson when asked about the song, course 99 . Conclusion This had been an enticing yet weird trip. Its like following and tracing the footsteps from the young Brian Warner to the current transformation o f Marilyn Manson, all in seventy-one minutes and thirty six seconds. not to mention the number of hours spent reading up books written by him or about him. In addition the lettuce provided me with a huge resource of information about Marilyn Manson. due to the age-group he was targeting and the accessibility of the Internet these days, not to mention his controversial nature, there were abundance of webpages, message boards and news group all dedicated and devoted to Marilyn Manson at every corner on the world wide web. From his abusive and submissive childhood beds to being destructive and the man everybody love to hate, one can find everything. Though the album sounded heavy at times, it sound nothing like the trash, heavy, ?black metal bands filled with senseless screamings. Instead, Antichrist Superstar is almost philosophical and a swipe at the American society. wholeness can sometimes almost feel the pain and excruciation what Manson, or in that case, Warner went through and empathise with it. Though I must admit I am no M! arilyn Mansons fan (this is the first time Im listening to him and I too panorama he was satanic!), there were times where I would carry with him on certain points with respect to the Singapore society. What he thought America had became could be applied in the Singapore ikon as well. The reason is because the Singapore society, by large, is moulded by what we see on goggle box programs. And most of these programs are imported from America. sight didnt know how ugly the world was because they never had the chance to experience it. masses didnt know how ugly auto accidents were. People didnt get to see the effects of disease in large colour. Children today are very desensitised, by the tubeÂ, said Manson when questioned about the effects of television . We watch so much television these days that we began to believe whats on the television is what it is. It came to a point that are so desensitised that we take it that what we see on television is reality. In actual fact, ho w many of us had really experience being in a car crash, a inhering disaster, hit by bullets and bombs and watching people around you in twisted, blood spilling, organs exposing position. The truth is that many of us will not be able to handle such experience, the real reality. man is just whats popular. At one point, the world was flatbed and we were all convinced of that because that was what was popular, said Manson . Being brought up in a Christian school, I do agree on certain points Manson brought up in Antichrist Superstar. Its about humans over faith in God resulting in irresponsible behaviours (it is not because of this that I did not become a Christian. Rather, its due to the fact that I changed school after two years in the Christian school.). People go to church on Sunday and acknowledge their sins and the love of God washes over them, cleansing them until next week when they go out and do it all again. Sins can be confessed and you are ?clean again and can start to sin again without thinking about your old sins. It! helps people to avoid state. I think they should ask themselves why they sinned and accept that responsibility, Manson said when queried about Christianity . All the filth of the weak and feeble is bleached seem white with a few anneal words and a ruffle of the hand. They are unwilling or unable to accept the responsibility and consequences of acting out their true desires and impulses. It seemed as though that as long as no one knows of their deviant thoughts, all is well. Then there is this question of fitting in. Christianity, working with fear, submission and being able to fit in. It is a well known fact the Christians believe that they are the ?superior religion and only they are going to heaven. The rest of the religions, including Catholics, are going to hell. If you dont do this or say this, down you go, you do not start here. This inadvertently breeds consumerism and commercialism. The idea of Blind Faith has really sunk American in some ways, because theres this underlying theme of fascism... Were being controlled by our own stupidity and weakness. You turn on the TV, and if you dont buy this type of shampoo, if you dont buy this car, if you have acne, your friends arent gonna accept you and they will jape dirty dog your back. It just eats away your Soul. It (Christianity) makes you so dependant that youre scared to make your own decisionsÂ, added Manson . I am not against the religion nor am I advocating Marilyn Manson and his beliefs. Though some of his songs, his words and his grooming do somewhat have satanic connotations, he do appear rather honest and sincere. His words are often philosophical and his works are thought provoking, self examine and self rectifying. Marilyn Manson is not the sole Antichrist - far from it. I believe that the potential of the Antichrist lives in all of us, and when one tries and fails, there is always another waiting to take his place. The battle between innocence and corruption, religion and atheis m, good and evil can never be won. It will be fought ! until the end of time, and Marilyn Manson is simply another pretender in this eternal game. Somewhere right now there is another young boy in another small town, feeling just as disillusioned as Brian Warner once did. And one day, that young man will grow into another Antichrist, and the whole cycle will repeat again and again, just like in the album. There is no end or beginning, no losers or winners. Only societys scars like Marilyn Manson, delay to prompt us of the battles we fight over and over and over... Bibliography Chuck, Weiner, Marilyn Manson: In His experience Words, Music Sales Corp Publishing, 2000, 189 Pages. Doug, Small, The Story of Marilyn Manson, December, 1996, 48 Pages. Gavin, Baddeley, Dissecting Marilyn Manson, rete Publishing, 2000, 160 pages. John, Kennisington, Marilyn Manson Interview, Circus Magazine, June, 1997. Kalen, Rogers, Marilyn Manson : The Unauthorized Biography, Omnibus Press, September, 1997. 80 Pages. Kurt Reighley, Marilyn Manson: The Antichrist Superstar, 1998, 192 Pages. Marilyn Manson Interview, elaborate Magazine, December, 1996. Marilyn Manson Interview, FHM Magazine, Australia Edition, November, 1998. Marilyn Manson Interview, Guitar School Magazine, March, 1997. Marilyn Manson Interview, Hit Parader, Magazine, December, 1996. Marilyn Manson Interview, Huh Magazine, October, 1996. Marilyn Manson Interview, Kerrang Magazine, 14, December, 1996. Marilyn Manson Interview, Metal Hammer Magazine, July, 1998. Marilyn Manson Interview, motion picture Mirror Magazine, October, 1997. Marilyn Manson Interview, Official Website Interview, 9, September, 1998. Marilyn Manson Interview, Raygun Magazine, December/January, 1998. Marilyn Manson Interview, RIP Magazine, November, 1996. Marilyn Manson Interview, Rolling Stone Magazine, 23, January, 1997. Marilyn Manson Interview, Spin Magazine, September, 1997. Marilyn Manson Interview, Timeout Magazine, 8, April, 1998. Marilyn Manson Official Website, h ttp:// Marilyn Manson Quote Co! llection, Marilyn Manson Speech, MTV europium Headbangers Ball Concert, 10, December, 1996. Marilyn Manson Stirs Up Trouble With Antichrist Superstar, 23, January, 1997, MTV On-Line. Marilyn Manson, CD Album: Antichrist Superstar, Interscope Records, 1996. Marilyn Manson, aquilege: Whos Fault Is It?, The Rolling Stones Magazine, June, 1999. Mr Showbiz Celebrities: Marilyn Manson Biography, Neil, Strauss, The desire Hard Road Out Of Hell, Regan Books, 1999, 269 Pages. Politicians Rally Against Marilyn Manson, roll/reviews/stories/3982_35Index.html Teenagers Make Up Half Of piano tuner Listening Pie in US, Reuters, 1998. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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